Maximizing Success Together: Gainsight Consulting Services


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Chat with The Success Admin for recommendations of getting the most out of Gainsight. From strategy to design to deployment, they’ll take a look at each step of your process to create your new roadmap and set you up for long-term success.


The Success Admin is a seasoned consultant specializing in Gainsight. With a deep understanding of both the technical intricacies and the strategic aspects of the Gainsight software, their dedication is to lead businesses to get the most out of the Gainsight investment. Preferred clients do not need a full-time Gainsight Consultant. That’s where The Success Admin comes in to provides ad-hoc, Gainsight consulting services for your company.

What kind of businesses does The Success Admin help? If you’re a small-mid size company in the SAAS space using Gainsight, The Success Admin can come in if you:

  • Just had a Gainsight Administer leave your company

  • Have an existing admin that is more junior that could use extra support and mentorship

  • Are not ready to invest in a full time admin but need consulting & support intermittently

  • Have specific projects/scopes that you do not have capacity for to outsource elsewhere

  • Do not feel you are receiving value from your investment and need support in best practices, strategy & direction

With the flexibility of working together, it’s clear why The Success Admin is not your typical large firm. There is a focus on thoughtful execution & partnership without the overhead & bureaucracy at a large firm. The Success Admin has successfully led and executed Gainsight implementations for a clients in a variety of industries, streamlining customer success processes, boosting user adoption, and driving real, measurable results.

Staying at the forefront of industry trends and technological advancements is not just a need, but a passion of The Success Admin, so enhancing your Gainsight investment will be a continuous process. Clear communication, transparent processes, and a genuine commitment to client success are the hub of your experience working with The Success Admin.

If you’re in need of in-depth technical knowledge with a strategic mindset, without hiring on full-time help with consulting, connect with The Success Admin to propel your organization to new heights.

Additional Focus Areas

Dashboard and Reporting

C360/R360 Organization

License Management

Data Quality

CSM Training

Journey Mapping

CTA Design


Data Integration

Scope & Services


  1. Examine your current Gainsight strategy

  2. Identify the requirements of your specific business

  3. Determine time to build and deploy the best solution for your organization


  1. Transform from discovery into reality

  2. Build your Gainsight solution and mockups alongside UAT (user accepted testing)

  3. 3) Implement your technical solution in your production environment


  1. Create proper training materials for your new business processes

  2. Create documentation including user guides, video trainings, live demos, email support, and more

  3. Ensure your team is properly equipped to adapt to these new processes


  1. Construct your strategic Gainsight Roadmap including guidance, requirements, and success criteria

  2. Launch your new strategy and implement the Gainsight Roadmap

  3. Set you up for long-term success with vital planning

See why The Success Admin is recognized as a ‘VIP Gamechanger’ by Gainsight.

Case Studies


Project Goals:

ACME client needed to reduce and redesign their customer onboarding period as it was long, slow, and disorganized. ACME’s cumbersome onboarding processes caused delays in recognizing customer revenue as well as delays in customers’ Time to Value. The average CSM onboarding time was between 45-60 days.

Our Solution:

Through The Success Admin’s analysis, it was identified that ACME’s CSMs were having too many “kickoff” and scoping calls. Due to poor planning, CSMs were scheduling these calls to retrieve customer information necessary to set up their program. The solution was to reduce the calls by sending customers a pre-questionnaire prior to onboarding. This allowed both CSMs and customers to be prepped with all necessary information gathered prior to the first conversation. The Success Admin created a CTA, Playbook, and a prescriptive process for conversations that CSMs were to have with customers.


After implementation of The Success Admin’s solution, ACMEs customer onboarding days decreased by 30-40%. CSM bandwidth increased due to fewer kickoff calls per customer. Critically, Finance recognized customer revenue quicker. Customers also received a streamlined onboarding process across CSMs, and their Time to Value decreased due to fewer unnecessary delays.


Project Goals:

ACME client faced challenges with accurately forecasting churn across the global CSM organization. The CSM organization had yearly churn targets that the regional teams had to meet or outperform. The executive team needed accurate global and regional churn forecasts and up-to-date insights into key at-risk customers to focus on for retention.

Our Solution:

The Success Admin developed an automated CTA process whereby CSMs updated their churn forecasts weekly for ACME’s top-tier customers. This included building new reports and dashboards to provide greater insights into week over Week-over-Week churn analysis and top risks. The Success Admin also educated CSMs/CSM Managers on the importance of maintaining forecasting best practices as well as its new weekly cadence for updating executive updates via the CTA. Finally, we also designed streamlined meetings for the churn forecasting leadership to use, complete with agendas, proposed talking points, etc.


After the implementation of The Success Admin’s solution, forecasting accuracy was improved to +/-10%. This provided ACME’s forecasting team much more confidence surrounding the process and visibility of customer churn. Due to these improved results, ACME’s global organization realigned itself on the new forecasting methodology. The improved accuracy of forecasting churn produced greater business intelligence and improved fiscal year planning. ACME was then able to further develop programs and initiatives for customer health and retention.

  • 30-40% decrease in onboarding days

  • CSM bandwidth increased

  • Fewer kickoff calls per customer

  • Customer revenue recognized quicker

  • Time to Value decreased

  • Forecasting accuracy improved to +/-10%

  • Greater business intelligence

  • Improved fiscal year planning

Let’s kickstart your Gainsight Returns

The Success Admin will be with you every step of the way